Here’s a breakdown of the Firestarter’s core abilities: The Firestarter is fully trained in seven amazing abilities primed to torch, melt, and completely incinerate any opponents foolish enough to do battle with them! Their twin torches are the primary source of their power, but their pyromania extends even further to total control over all manner of flames on the battlefield, making them well-suited in their versatile ranged support role. Now, we’re ready to show you the Firestarter’s battle capabilities and some other cool new features available in the Ignition update! We recently told you about the Firestarters’ ties to an ancient fire-worshipping cult, and their creation at the hands of a demented Fire God. With the launch of the new Ignition update for Skyforge on Xbox One, the Immortals of Aelion are ready to welcome an 18th class into their esteemed ranks! The Firestarter class holds mastery over fire magic, and the ancient power wielded by these dark tricksters has been long-forgotten by Aelion.